Thursday, June 19, 2008

say cheese

Well, it was time once again for the girls to get pictures taken. As I prepare for their picture day, I ALWAYS remember why I only do this once a year! Wow is it stressful--do hair, matching outfits, spill food on the outfit, cry because she doesn't like her pants, new outfit, where is your other hairbow, she doesn't like her hair, where is your match to your shoe, etc. etc. The original plan was for me to be ready and be in some pictures too, but after about the first hour of TRYING to get everyone ready(man, you'd think I had 7 or 8 instead of just 2) I decided to bag the idea of me with them. However, my good friend who took these pictures would hear nothing of the sort. So, here I am with the girls and no makeup. I'm glad, in the end, that I got them done, but just don't look too close!! However, for the girls--I see these cute pictures and remember just why I love them. . .cutest things ever (even with the drama)!:)


blog_meg said...

Girl! I just found your blog! How cute are your two ladies? I could eat them up!!!

DNAgallows said...

I love it! You are better than I...once a year...! If I got a picture of them, candid or posed that is good. You have precious girls. It was fun to see you the other night. Brief, but always nice! We miss you guys...should say gals plus Ryan. Taylin sure misses her girlfriends.